We have already established, or at least it is for me, that we are in a universe of evolution. This must be known because otherwise we would wonder why we were not created perfect and done.

Now we must reaffirm that there is a God, The Source, or whatever you can call it according to your place of origin or your history. Akamara, as I learned they call it in the Yoruba tradition.

If in your vision of life and the universe you do not believe that a creator being exists, when you finish reading you should look for another theory to explain why of two identical monkeys, one is still in the trees, and another reached the Moon.

We have already said that when a humanoid race is created, it is done from an animal that has evolved to stand on 2 legs instead of 4. This has to do with the incorporation of chakras into an upright body, which is not possible if he walks on 4 legs.

Another thing to know is that the Earth is a decimal planet; this means that one in ten in the galaxy is a laboratory planet for life and DNA. Here DNAs are experienced and then moved to other places in the universe. It is often called “seeding DNA”.

For this, the Earth has a special program that makes it a creator of life. He also has a soul, Gaia, which is a fractal of the goddess Isis. But this is for later, in other posts.

To the other planets, life must be brought because it cannot be generated there.

Also Gaia has been designed as a branch of The Source. We will explain it later, because as I wrote in post 004½ I say some things so that you open your mind to what may seem impossible. Actually, to see if you remember any of this from other lives, because you already knew, since you are living this experience by choice.

Being a branch of The Source makes our DNA when it finishes developing and reaches its full potential, it will make us co-creators with the Creator. We will be equal to him. In the image and likeness of him.

The first experience of creating humanoids like us was made on the planet Lyra in the constellation Vega, which was in the 12th dimension and was finally destroyed in the Velatropa war. The remaining Lyrans now live in the Pleiades.

The second experience, already in the 7th dimension, was the Arcturians. They evolved very well in the spiritual aspect, but it was not the same in terms of the Light of knowledge. The mind phase.

So it is that we are the result of the same plan, improved and faced in the maximum density, the 3rd, and put to physical evolution and soul ascension to the 5th dimension, and for the first time in the universe, this step will be taken without dying, that is to say, with this body that we have now, which is prepared to complete its evolution if we are willing to put in some dedication: change the diet to alkaline, and integrate this body with the mind, evolved to consciousness, and with the soul, reconnected to the Light of the Spirit . We'll see later. Let's go to 130 years!

A race of very high frequency, more than the 33rd, the Gina'Abul, designed our DNA. The Kingu Babar continued the work and finally, as we have seen, the Annunas Enki and her mother assembled it in the HOMO.

It is striking how galactic languages give rise to innumerable terrestrial words.

Note that "grandmother" seems to derive from Abul. Baba in Hindi is also Grandma. And in the Afro-Cuban Yoruba tradition BABA is the father. And in case you ask where "grand father" comes from, I will tell you that the first human promoted on his account, before Jesus or Buddha, was called Grandfanda.

So that this new race attempt would not fail, it was decided to make it evolve from carbon, going through all the stages and experiences, from the densest, information that accumulates in what science calls junk DNA (!) and then by pressure , the carbon is making an evolution until becoming silicon crystal first and finally after other stages in diamond, the most brilliant crystal. Christed beings.

I have learned that DNA from beings from Jupiter, from higher dimensions, was also used, because they have black skin, and it was estimated that in this way the first homos could better resist the sun, since they would walk around naked for so long.

The animal that was taken to start modifying its DNA was the chimpanzee. This DNA was mixed with DNA from the Neanderthal, Aryan humanoid from Andromeda. Two copies of the first prototype had to be obtained to observe the difference, leaving one to evolve freely while the other, HOMO and later HOMO SAPIENS, had its DNA retouched, so that it would be ready for planetary ascension when the galactic night ended, what which happened on December 21, 2012.

We are ready? Because the evolution was very very fast as you can see.
Homo only had the root chakra in his body, necessary for him to remain alive linked to the planet. He was just surviving, with no skills. As it was being retouched, more chakras were added, the use of the mind was enabled, the age of stone, iron, etc. came, until a soul could be assembled and you already know the end of the story: look at yourselves mirror.

When the soul could be assembled, it is there that what is called the Adams begins.

Darwin never found the missing link, because as you can see, from the same monkeys, our predecessor was modified in a laboratory.

This story explains the causes and reasons why the Earth human evolved so fast, while science continues to ramble about it.

But as I already told you: don't believe anything.

Enki did various assemblage experiments for almost 25 thousand years until he achieved homo. One of those that did not work was the one that gave rise to the "Yeti" or Bigfoot. From the experiment he obtained that being of more than 6 meters in height, and they tell me that he was even almost immortal and the idea was that the human would live around 90 years, to allow many lives and reincarnations, since in each one of them what What is sought is the accumulation of experiences and experiences, which would be achieved with many shorter lives. Besides, he was too big for Earth's gravity.

Of course all the prototypes that fail are not killed. They are left to live and the Yetis hang out there.

So, it becomes clear that Enki is only our assembler together with his mother, Inanna, who, as she cared for the first born children and taught their still clumsy mothers how to do it, it is said that the word "nana" derives from there.

The Creator, father/mother God of our Universe is Mika of Nebadon, a Mikaelic being emanating from The Source that Is All and administrator of this Universe for about 500 thousand years, a century plus a century less.

He is a triune Creator in a triune Universe. Which we will explain later, but it makes everything created in the universe so too. That's why 3 is in so many things. The trinity, father mother son, body mind and spirit, positive negative and neutral, 1 + 2 = 3, electrical energy, electromagnetic and neutrinos, etc.

When Nebadon (it is often called that, for short, although that is actually the name of our Universe) designs a "protoform" for a planet, it also defines what chemical element will be the basis of everything on it and for the Earth sodium (Na) was chosen. That is why the seas are salty and all life has sodium in its constitution.

And it would be necessary to repeat that our DNA has 12 fibers plus a 13th, but currently we were working with 2. From 2023 the activation of the others will increase until 2026, for those who are prepared for the 5th D by doing the basic task.

At present the geneticist in charge of us is Toranque, and they say that he is working with Enki on the adaptations, in a starship, but outside of Earth.

The way in which DNA is updated in those who have a more or less prepared body is by sending information through photons from the sun. We already know that DNA is a biotechnological element and it is being updated like the apps on your cell phone with new software. Silicon, because it is glass, can store much more information, which is why it is also necessary to increase the amount of silicon in the body. You will already know that the new computers will come based on crystals.

Never forget that our bodies are containers for the soul to live and experience in physical matter, and that container is the one that is being updated.

Due to these adaptations, many people since 2020 feel or felt pain, discomfort that seemed like diseases and were not, or lasted a day, or a week, etc. Because it is their bodies that are updating their DNAs. This will increase during this 2023 with solar flashes, which arrive not only for us but also for Gaia, our mother earth.

Children born since 2012, crystal children, rainbow children, already come with a DNA prepared for the 5th dimension and more connected fibers. It would be good for their parents to keep this in mind and not force them to eat the food of the earth that acidifies their bodies. We'll talk about this soon then.

What a job parenting these kids and especially when they start talking.

Luckily, I'm just a grandfather.

That they are well

If you entered here directly it is better to start with 001 EVERYTHING IS ENERGY
If you want to go to the next: 013 WHAT IS BEYOND THE UNIVERSE
If you want to know more about the Annunas: 008 - IF IT WAS NOT TRUE, YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE IT

Most of this information comes from the lectures of Andrea Barnabé

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