001 - YOUR BODY IS ONLY ENERGY - How to live 130 years

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I am going to tell you how to live 130 years through teachings and truths that were hidden or unknown before these times in which we now live. And I will also tell you why in these times it is possible to LIVE UP TO 130, like never before.
But don't believe anything you read if it doesn't resonate with you (see post 004½)

It will be necessary to talk about science, religion, spirituality, biology, esotericism, etc. and I will tell you about it in short posts, which will not take you more than 10 minutes to read. And reading them I think it's worth it.

You just have to open your mind to new knowledge.

After I registered the blog, I found that there are several articles on the net that talk and speculate about whether it is possible to reach 130 years of age, emphasizing whether it is worth it, or under what conditions it could be reached. Arriving invalid would not be valid, of course. Just for someone to have to take care of you is not an attractive end.

But that's not the point. Although what I am going to tell you about how to reach 130 implies many things to know beforehand.

Where to start?

Let's see... what if I told you that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY. And your body too, of course.

How is that? it is already more complicated. How could you see that? Also, but the truth is that it is so and science has known it for more than 100 years when Quantum Physics began to be developed.

Here we could ask why so many years of school and continue not knowing basic knowledge.

And what does that imply?

Many things.

It explains why Reiki can heal you from some ailments with the mere imposition of the hands of the reikist, who doesn't even touch you, but harmonizing your energies ends your ailment, or makes you feel better if there was no underlying disease. harmonized.

It explains why when someone receives an organ transplant there will be a rejection, because the body knows that the energies of the transplanted organ do not belong to that body. They are out of tune.

It explains why when someone's arm or leg is amputated, the person continues to feel it: it hurts, it itches, as if it were still there. And in the etheric body it is.

It is necessary to install this reality in our minds: everything is energy, and it is not seen but it vibrates all the time, at different frequencies. In the universe WHAT IS STILL IS DEAD. Life VIBRATES.

By the way, I'll tell you that our body currently, or at least for the majority, VIBRATES at a frequency between 6 and 8 or 9 Hz, let's say. It can vibrate lower, 5, 4..., and also higher in moments of emotional-spiritual exaltation.

So the thing is not to reach 130 years vibrating so low, equaling the vibration of the historical Schuman Resonance, but to go up along with it the vibration of our body. Because the more vibration, the more perfection, the less disease, the less deterioration.

  The Schuman resonance (click here) in the last thousand years was at 7.83 Hz, in the range that our brain vibrates in its theta waves (4 to 8 Hz) when we are internally absorbed, but it is known that now the Schuman is more or less at 12 Hz, oscillating with peaks of 30 and up to 60 Hz.

You can imagine that the different levels of energetic vibration are what are commonly called DIMENSIONS. It is said that we live in the third dimension (3D).

If God exists for you and you vibrate between 6 and 9 Hz, let's say, at what frequency do you think He would vibrate? What dimension do you think he would be in?




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