If what follows seems incredible to you, do not believe it. 

But at some point you have to know things that were hidden.

If it is not your moment, it does not matter, because it will not change your life.

Once upon a time there was a being named Sa'am, (image) who one day was granted the title of Lord of the Earth. Enki. He belonged to the race of the Annunas, from the High Planes of Heaven. He belonged to the Annu family, cosmic geneticists.

The Annunas, long before Sa'am was born, lived in the constellation of Lyra. Vega being its main sun. Velatropa Sector, where a devastating war between reptilian beings took place.

The reason for that war (Star Wars is a version to approximate) must be understood by The Source's intention to develop the first Kadistu race in the universe. That warm-blooded race that would have the so-called Kadistu code inserted in the DNA, a code that contains the unconditional love of the Creator.

Code that allows us to say that someone was created "in the image and likeness" of God, since it matches all the information of the Creator's DNA.

The reptilians, being cold-blooded, could not insert that code. This made many of them (of course not all) conflictive beings, because they did not have the Light of the Spirit inserted, although in compensation they obtained an enormous intellectual and technological development, which together with their personality caused innumerable wars in the universe, such as the destruction of the Velatropa Sector with plasma bombs.

It must be clarified that there are reptilian genetics in high dimensions with beings that have never become negative, and have even been the ones that designed our DNA, such as the Kingu Babar and the Gina'Abul of dimensions greater than 30.

Before the destruction of Lyra Vega, Toranque, Aryan geneticist and commander, of Alpha Centaury, moved the surviving Aryan Elves from Lyra to the Pleiades. Now they are already considered Pleiadians. 

Annu, went to live on the planet Nibiru, with the mission of creating life there. She was also attacked on that planet, despite Annu's intentions to unite or assemble reptilian families with Micaelics seeking to stop the conflict.

It was knocked out of atmosphere by plasma bombs. Coincidentally our Creator, Mika of Nebadon, already had plans to bring a hominid race to earth back then. 

So Annu is allowed to settle on earth for about 450,000 years, with the Nibiruans who were spared, so they could bring gold to Nibiru and reestablish its atmosphere, which physicists said could be done with gold dust. . The Annunas who lived on earth were called Annunakis.

In return, he was asked to create and manage a new hominid race on earth assembled with the Kadistu code.

What the word KADISTU basically means: Ka is a high vibration energy, for the 5D. In the 3rd dimension we move with Ki energy, but it is of low voltage, for carbon bodies.

stands for DImensions. S is Tuned (with The Source). That is to say that this code allows us to be multidimensional and TU refers to Unified Time since this code is activated when the 7 time lines that we live in the 3D of the earth have been unified with the time of the universe (it is estimated that in 2026 ). This process began to happen from 12/21/2012, when the galactic night ended, a process explained very well by the Mayan Synchronary, but it will have a transition period, which we are going through now, called Armageddon and Apocalypse, until 2026.

Annu cloned 2 sons, Enlil and Enki whom he brought to our planet while he continued the reconfiguration of Nibiru.

Enki (Sa'am) had pure genetics from the Annuna lineage. Enlil no. She was mixed.

Annu should have remained managing the activities of the earth's societies, but she put Enlil in charge and he took the most evolved people of that moment, which was the Hebrew, and before them he became Yaveh. He was not prepared for that function since in reality he was a soldier and so he led the people asking for worship in exchange for promises of salvation.

I apologize if someone's feelings are hurt, but as Juan Manuel Serrat says, "the truth is never sad, what is hopeless is a remedy." They tell me that Enlil was also the one who finally decided the deluge, in frank disagreement with Enki, who sought to save one of his sons, Noah, and with him the DNA of all terrestrial species. As you can see, it is not that Noah uploaded animals to the Ark, but the DNA of the species to preserve them from the flood waters.

They tell me that this disagreement never faded and until today Enki and Enlil keep their distance.

Then Enki, Lord of the earth, with the help of his mother Inanna, (photo)also a geneticist, not only changed his physiognomy to resemble us, but worked in Sumer to assemble the DNA with the Kadistu code to the body of homo sapiens, creating our bodies. current. It was not an easy task. It took him about 25 thousand years but he did it by participating in the procreation of children himself since he himself had the code in his DNA. He had many children. Twins or multiple births, because that's how it was in his genetics and that's how that gene was transmitted to posterity.

Our bodies, they tell me, are then prepared to start activating the Kadistu code from 2023, which works as an application, an app, when various solar flashes download the information that will be inserted into it. And that's where the kundalini will be activated that starts the process. But that's for another post. (It must be clarified that when we set dates they are always subject to the fulfillment of the frequency evolution of the planet that may give rise to the events and planned actions).

It will be necessary for the body to be as alkalized as possible based on silicon for this activation to be possible, surely with a pH greater than or equal to at least 8. Because silicon, a crystal, can store much more information than carbon. Are you seeing why reaching 130 years is increasingly possible? Do you see that none of this has to do with religion?

We talk about physics and science. The Ka energy is of such a frequency that bodies do not age, because they do not rust. They will be Christic, through the silicon crystals.
The Kadistu code when fully operational will allow us to act like the Creator, creating in matter with our mind. That is the divine gift that hides our biology. He created us by cloning his DNA into matter. We are in his image and likeness.

The code assembles body, mind and spirit, essential to ascend and act in the 5th dimension.

As you can see, in the history of the earth many things were transmitted in a distorted and deceitful way. Neither the Annunaki subjugated us, nor were they so kind to us. Enki worked with all his capacity to leave us a biotechnological container of maximum perfection. And since we already said that this is a universe of evolution, this body of ours is going to evolve so much, so much, that it will allow us, from the 5th dimension, to travel throughout the universe and all 36 dimensions, without leaving Gaia.

Once upon a time there was a being with the title of Enki, Lord of the Earth, who was born as Sa'am and never died. Because he is eternal, like you and me. He told you the craziest and most truthful story of what he did.

That there are well

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