Reading time 7'
We are going to expand on some of the ideas we mentioned in previous posts.
And if there are other ideas that you did not understand before, or that you think deserve to be discussed, use any way to communicate and raise them. You have the mail, the message box on the cover or another one below for what you want to say about this particular post. We always expect a contact.DIMENSIONS - When in post 001 we laid the foundations that everything is energy, it follows that there are units of matter, antimatter or non-matter that vibrate at a certain speed. For this reason and taking into account that there is a beginning, a Big Bang says science, being able to identify with God, the Creator, The Source, or with some intelligence that begins the creative sequence of what exists, we have to deduce that The maximum vibration is involved in that beginning, and as what is created expands, that vibration loses intensity. This idea is often compared to the waves that a stone expands when it falls into water. The waves expand, losing intensity as they move away from the emitting center. Thus we could make a comparison with the waves of energy that are becoming more and more dense, more and more material, less and less subtle.
The syllable OM, which they say is the primordial sound, the sound of creation for Hinduism, would be the sound of the expanding universe and it continues to be heard from the beginning or at least is heard by yogis in their deep meditations.
We can separate these vibrational frequencies into ranges, like steps, and thus define that between such and such vibrational frequency we are in a dimension.
THE THIRD DIMENSION - This is how 36 dimensions have been defined in matter, being us in the 3rd. They tell us that each rank has a differentiation in 7 levels. In other words, there is a 3.1, which was followed by 3.2 and so on until reaching 3.7. It is the one we are. From there you will go to the higher dimensional level. The 5th dimension. That is why there is talk of ascending an eighth: because there are seven evolutionary levels of ascent before passing to the higher dimension, which would complete the eighth. How to go from one DO to another DO in the musical scale.
Well, 7 is a sacred number in creation.We must not lose sight of the fact that we are in an inverse process, since first life and matter were created in the highest dimensions, very very etheric, 36, 35, 34... very very little material, but still material until we get to ours.
That is why we speak of the return to the One. Because from there the dimensions descended and now it is the way back to The Source.
THE FOURTH DIMENSION - Why then do we not say that the planet, Gaia, will ascend to the 4th dimension, and speak of ascent to the 5th? Because the 4th dimension is etheric, that is, non-material. In this dimension, which also has 7 levels, it is where the souls that are going to incarnate in the 3rd dimension wait, and it is in turn the dimension where the souls of the bodies that die on earth go, waiting for their death. his next reincarnation.
The fourth dimension is also called the "astral plane".
To the lowest, 4.1 to 4.3, called threshold ("umbralinos") levels, usually go those souls who had very densified lives, murderers, pedophiles, (political?) or those who lived in drug use or taken by alcoholism. And so, at different levels up to 4.7, other souls are located according to the vibration they achieved in their previous existence. That is why we speak of the spiritual ascension of souls.
It is from that dimension, so close to the 3rd, that some souls can communicate with those of us who are incarnated, or from there appear what we call ghosts, etc. or inhabitants of the "low astral". It is on this plane that those who make astral journeys go with their astral body and innumerable beings of all kinds and ilk live there.And here we could clarify that even there our eyes can sometimes see. The vision of the ghosts is diffuse, it is hardly a vision, but they are seen. And understanding this allows us to explain that visualizing the 5th dimension with the eyes of the 3rd is not impossible, but it is only for some who can vibrate very high, and at times "peak" ("cumbre"). So it is that for so many centuries we have believed that there is no life in the universe because we do not see it.
There are millions of inhabited planets, thousands of higher dimensional starships taking care of the planet, there are cities intras, such as ERKS in our province of Córdoba, there is life on Mars, Venus, etc., but in dimensions that we cannot see or contact from a 3rd dimension of low frequency vibration. However, higher dimensional beings can sometimes communicate and appear in dimensions 2 or 3 steps below.
This is simply a reality that we were not told before, because it was part of the divine plan that we lived disconnected from the universe, as we already explained in another post. In any case, this was always known and was kept secret by the occult wisdom organizations that were active on the planet.
THE FIFTH DIMENSION - This is why Gaia, which is already located as I understand it in the 5th dimension, ascends first and opens the way so that in a near time (3, 5, 10, 20, 50 years?) as the frequency of humanity increases so that we can settle on the first step, 5.1, of the new dimension.
I understand that the change in the rotation of the nucleus of Gaia recently registered by science, and for which it does not find an explanation or imagine the consequences, is actually part of the process of planetary ascension. And they don't even know that the center is hollow and inhabited (we'll talk about it in a post). The earth has already stopped and changed direction twice in recent times and that has to do with the masculine and feminine energies that it must merge in its bosom (actually, its triune flame).
And our current carbon body, wonderfully designed by The Source and assembled by Enki, which we talked about in the previous post, will go from working from carbon to silicon, as you may have also read in a previous post, 😂😁😅. We will vibrate at a frequency that does not allow aging due to oxidation as it happens to us now. And so live to 130.
Do not forget to drink a lot of water, if possible not from the city tap, and to eat more and more vegetables and fruits, because in their liquid are the photons of the sun with the information so that your DNA changes. Water, like crystals, is highly programmable, and when you drink water photonized in plants by the sun, the water in your body "copy" that information and makes it its own.
I have even read that there will be a rejuvenation, because the telomeres (we will talk about it surely in another post) that by shortening in each cell division end up with the death of the cell and the person due to aging, will be reconstituted through the enzyme telomerase, as a consequence of an alkaline diet and the photons that the sun sends as software for our DNA.That they are well
If you entered here directly it is better to start with 001
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