Reading time 7'
Several scientists have already predicted the sixth mass extinction. What does this supposed terrifying warning mean? Taking as an example that the planet experienced 5 massive extinctions of biodiversity in the past, a new one is predicted in a few years; but just as the previous ones were due to "natural events" this one would come hand in hand with "human activities". That is: soon we will have completed the destruction of the planet.

And it is true that we are on that path, if it is not that there is something foreseen that will change everything.

As a previous example, let's take the destruction of the dinosaurs as life on earth by the meteorite that fell in the Gulf of Mexico 66 million years ago.

Biologists say that 63% of the animals that existed in 1970 have already disappeared.

In Germany, a study was carried out that revealed that 75% of the insects also disappeared.

We are in the oven? Will going through the Apocalypse end up putting us at the stake?

Be quiet. We already said in a previous post that science has accustomed us to the fact that every so many years it changes its vision and its predictions, so by the time they realize that we are transiting a planetary ascension from the 3rd to the 5th dimension and to the higher entities, extraterrestrials, yes You want, beings of light, the Creator and all the members of the Galactic Confederation will already be solving the problem and repopulating the earth with the new species adapted to the new vibratory frequency of

the planet. and Gaia will collaborate as always.

And that is where we will already work with silicon crystal; we will be Christic, light human, koradhi race.

THE 4 WRONG PREMISES: And why did we go down the wrong path? Doctor Bruce Lipton explains that our scientific development in recent years, let's say 200, was based on 4 fundamental premises. ALL WRONG. So how could the result not be catastrophic as we are seeing?

Premise 1: says that biology is governed by Newtonian physics; therefore if we understand chemistry and physics, we will know how biology works, and OUR BODY TEMPLE.

And here we could add that since ancient times, of animistic culture, which means that the ancestors believed that the SPIRIT OF GOD was in all things, we went on to take the SPIRIT from nature, we put it in CHURCHES and TEMPLES in Form of gods, religions took possession of it and then in an agreement with science, it would take care of how the earth and the beings on it functioned and we sent the SPIRIT OF GOD out of the earth. There, to the skies.

Lipton uses a beautiful phrase: the ancestors believed that nature was a garden and we only the gardeners who had to maintain the balance in it.

These are the colors of our organic vegetable garden on Isla 9 in Villa Paracito, now in autumn:

Premise 2: Genes control our lives. FAKE.

The truth is that from the first decades of the 20th century, quantum physics established that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY (see post 001). Lipton himself discovered in his lab that cells respond to the environment (it's a very exciting experiment to watch) and genes don't turn on or off on their own, but in response to the environment. To the energies of the environment in which it is. And I remind you that thoughts are energies. And so EPIGENETICS was born.

And the bottom line is that we are not genetically determined. Having genes by inheritance that can predispose us to something, to some disease, does not determine that they will activate on their own. It will depend on the medium and on ourselves.

Do you want to live 130 years? How are you thinking of getting there? Are you thinking of arriving? What things do you usually think about most of the day? In the chaos of society... in making political protests... in going to gender marches... in how to invest to obtain more money,,, in that you work in a position that you dislike...

There you will be in the oven.

Premise 3: Derived from Darwinian theory, we have believed in the supremacy of the strongest. That there are species that will prevail over others, and in this way the animals will go extinct and devour the plants until they are not enough to supply everyone and then there will be a war between those who remain. This would greatly justify our actions on nature. We are or appear to be the strongest.

But too many studies actually inform us that in nature it is cooperation that prevails. Evolution from unicellular to multicellular bodies has been based on cooperation, with cells differentiating to perform different functions. Cooperation in diversity is the true evolution.

Premise 4: According to Darwin, the first step in evolution is taken by a random mutation, which for some reason works and is transmitted to the next generation. In the same way for science, life was born from a random event, from a chemical soup, or whatever you want to imagine in that sense.

What does that actually mean? That nothing has a purpose. That your life is a coincidence. It is not divine. You could be disposable.

But we affirm that there is a design, and a Creator. Not in 6 days, of course. That it is impossible for a 4-legged animal to be formed by evolution because, for example, how did it evacuate when the intestines were not yet formed? It is one thing to evolve at the level of an amoeba into something higher and another for a heart, an intestine, a liver and a digestive tract to appear simultaneously, for example.

The only explanation is that of creation by an intelligent being.

And then we see in nature the adaptation to the environment, as indicated by epigenetics. It is not by chance that such a plant or such an animal lives in a certain area or place. It is adaptation to the environment that happens.

The issue then is that we built a culture and a science starting from erroneous premises and that's how we are.

Einstein said that we cannot solve problems from the same way of thinking (paradigm) with which we have created them.

And for that, and to finish this post, I am going to tell you as a preview of a future one, that in the universe the galactic geneticists put animal races to evolve until at some point when they achieve some anthropomorphic form they can be intervened and improved. And so they create new humanoid races or not.

This is a different paradigm. And now we can find the necessary explanations.

As a fun "off the record" I can tell you that from the Tyrannosaurus Rex, which was a dinosaur that at some point in its evolution stood on 2 legs and shrunk the front legs like arms, geneticists created a race called saurian humans. But it is for another story. Since they are still alive on the planet and there will be enough time.

I have 60 years ahead of me.

That they are well

If you entered here directly it is better to start with 001
If you want to go to the next: 011 Celiacs are not sick. Were the annunakis
If you want to go to OUR BODY TEMPLE (I) 005

Dr Bruce Lipton's ideas were taken from his series on Gaia.com

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