Celiacs are not sick. On the contrary, we could say that their bodies are more exquisite, by virtue of the fact that they understand that WHEAT is not designed for this humanity and they don't accept it.

As can be seen from all these posts, knowing the truth diametrically changes the understanding of what is happening. We have spent centuries of misinterpretations, of walking in the dark feeling the walls and not finding a way out, we invent stories, we create interpretations.

But we already said that this is the time of the apocalypse where the revelations show truths in all fields. Astrology warns us too. They are not predictions, nor horoscopes. It is understanding that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY, and each stone, each person and each star emits its energies to the universe. And right now there are planets taking particular positions.

450,000 years ago when the Annuna race that lived on Nibiru experienced the attack and destruction of the surface and atmosphere of their planet by a war, they were granted permission to settle on earth until the disasters were healed.

  And of course, if you have to take a trip, you take some suitcases, but if the trip is going to last 400 thousand years, you have to take even food with you. And so it was that the Annunas, now transformed into Annunakis, that is, Annunas of the earth, because here the energy we handle is called ki (or chi) brought wheat seeds and planted it because it was the basis of their diet.

10 or 11 thousand years ago the natives of the land began to cultivate it inherited from the Annunakis.

When each planet is designed and a race is placed on them, the food they must eat for their survival is also designed. It is true that already in the sixth dimension, I think, because I was not there yet or if I was, I still don't remember, it is possible that people no longer eat, or eat very different and more subtle things, because the greatest source of energy is always the sun; if you have a body adapted to that.

Our bodies run on carbon as the basis for energy by transforming food, but the Annunas have copper as the basis of their metabolism, and wheat was designed for them. Because in reality they were only in the 4th dimension, some in the 5th, something like the dimension that we are entering at this moment, 2023. Or that, that they ate like us, but other things, like wheat.

So now we can understand why wheat affects so many people. But not many, they will say. Of course, because there is always a degree of adaptability and the reactions of each one depend on that, as well as the amount and type of wheat flour they consume.

Celiac disease in Europe has been increasing at an average of 7.5% per year in recent decades. And since it is not going to be like that since 1960, when what we call indigos began to come and then the crystal, etc., the bodies come more prepared for the ascent to the 5th dimension and less tolerant of the 3rd, and especially to the products that weren't even designed for the earth.

For the earth, the products designed to produce flour came from the Pleiades, and they are corn and cassava.

In the constellation of The Pleiades is the stellar system of Maia, from where a civilization that we know as the Mayas came to incarnate on earth, and they were given the task of spreading maize throughout the earth and with it cassava. But as we know, the Mayans were exterminated before achieving their objective and although as the saying goes "there is no evil that does not come for good", the conquerors took the corn to Europe and finally it went to the whole world.

AND THE SOY? IS IT GOOD FOR US?: No. But for other reasons that are more difficult for our little 3d heads to understand.

You must know that Asia was a continent that practically did not fall into the clutches of the Matrix. Hence so different customs with the West. And I say this because I think that was the reason why galactic geneticists, helping terrestrial geneticists, modified the soybean to alleviate the famine that hung over Southeast Asia after the Vietnam War, in which the soils had been devastated

It was an emergency measure to be able to sow and feed millions of people.

But these seeds, as a consequence, are not the original ones, but they allowed to obtain very good harvests (for that they were modified) but their sacred geometry is modified; they are synthetic. And as is the case with synthetic pharmacology compared to that produced only with plants from the earth, they fix something, but they mess something up. They are not the ones originally designed for this planet.

It so happened that soybeans became a very profitable business. And money moves wills.

Argentina, my country, is a large producer of soybeans and wheat. In other words, we are contaminating humanity. 🙈🙉🙊 But ignorance of the truth is always a problem. For this reason, in a thousandth degree of contribution is that we are writing this blog and there are many others on the internet explaining even from higher sources, THE TRUTH. That is also why we always ask you to share it.

The inconveniences that wheat brings to the body are varied. And also, as you know, it is present in dozens of products, not only food, but also creams, soaps, shampoos, etc.

If they try to stop eating wheat and its derivatives and even if they gradually replace those flours with others such as corn, rice, cassava, etc. even if they were not celiac, they will start to see the benefits in two or three months. And if. It is not pressing a button or taking a pill, I mean for the anxious and easy-going.

Wheat flour ends up producing sugars in the body that are deposited in the brain along with common sugar if you continue to consume it and can cause or worsen diabetes, Alzheimer's, emotional disorders and intestinal problems such as Chron's disease and others since its residues they stick to the intestinal walls, also preventing a better absorption of nutrients.

This information is also important in times of planetary ascension, because in order to make the transition to a 5th dimension, each human must have a body free of metals and impurities, as we have already warned in other posts. You must have an increasingly alkaline body. From pH 8 up. Not all at once. Gradually. And wheat flour, ACIDIFY.

In Lemuria the incorporation of the Light of the Spirit was worked on; in Atlantis, the Light of Knowledge, and it is up to us to integrate these experiences into OUR TEMPLE BODY, 3 aspects. Body, Consciousness and Spirit. Trinity.

And no matter how much you spend in the church praying and praying, or in the library studying and studying, if you do not integrate the three aspects, you will continue reincarnating in the 3rd dimension. Which is neither good nor bad. Of course, on another planet because our mother earth Gaia has already ascended. And I even tell you that reincarnating in a third dimension without the Matrix must be like being on vacation for those of us who have had to suffer it for centuries, but then you lose the possibility of promotion to the 5th and get out of the wheel of continuous incarnations.

Be fine.

If you entered here directly it is better to start with 001 EVERYTHING IS ENERGY
If you want to go to the next: 012
If you want to know more about the Annunas: 008 - IF IT WAS NOT TRUE, YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE IT

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