We are very small in relation to the greatness of the Universe. But we are a divine creation. Creation is the product of a Mind and we, created in the image and likeness of that Great Mind, The Source, The Absolute, or whatever you call it, also have the possibility of creating with our mind, using a tool called imagination.

We are going to exercise that imagination in this post in order to understand what is beyond the Universe in which we live. Called Universe of Nebadon.

Let's start from the micro, from our planet. The structure that we are going to explain occurs in a similar way in all of creation. And all of creation exists inside buoys, or spheres that contain each instance, because everything is contained inside spheres, which is what allows for continuous movement. Because everything is constantly moving. And there are certain kinds of boundaries between what's in and around a buoy.

Our planet is included in a solar system. Solar systems usually contain between 7 and 49 planets, the suns being the ones that support life on them. There are solar systems with more than 1 sun when the planets are many.

There are millions upon millions of solar systems in our universe. A group or cluster of solar systems forms a constellation. There are millions upon millions of constellations in our Universe.

A group of constellations will form a galaxy. There are millions of galaxies in our Universe.

Millions of Universes form a Multiverse.

Our Universe integrates the Multiverse called Orvonton and whose capital is Uversa.

There are only 7 Multiverses. And only ours is a Trinite Universe. Which means equal to The Source in its constitution. Masculine, feminine and neutral energy (the son). The Trinity.

The Multiverses and the Central Isle of Paradise form what is called an Omniverse.

So, traveling the reverse path to understand what the Orvontón Multiverse is, imagine a sphere within which there are millions of universes, with millions of galaxies, made up of millions of constellations, made up of millions of solar systems, made up of millions and millions of planets. If you can imagine it, we're good.

But it doesn't end there. That is where the matter ends. What moves with "varionic" energy.

Now comes the antimatter. That moves with “tachyonic” energy. They tell me that in antimatter there is everything like in matter, but without physicality. Everything is purely energetic. Beings no longer have containers, bodies, neither dense nor subtle, as in the material dimensions. Things are energies.

In that antimatter reality called the Havona Universe, there are just over a billion worlds, located in 7 circles. But imagine them as layers on a sphere, because remember everything is spherical.

This antimatter sphere parallels the seven matter multiverses who are around. If you want, imagine those multiverses surrounding the Universe of Perfection of Havona, as it is also called.

Within these 7 layers we find 21 divine planets, called the 21 Sacred Spheres of the Father, the Son and the Spirit because 7 vibrate the energies of the Father, 7 those of the Spirit and 7 those of the Son. Or what is the same electrical energy, magnetic energy and the neutral, product of the fusion of the other two energies.

These 21 spheres surround a central space called the Central Island of Paradise where The Absolute dwells, which is impersonal, which is a fusion of energies that we could call Universal Father, Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit.

The Absolute, the Source that Is All lives in non-matter, or vacuum, which is another form of energy.

Beings emanate from there, called Paradise Children, who are in charge of creating everything that is in antimatter and matter. In turn, those Paradise Children create other beings that create the realities that exist in matter.

As the administrator of our Universe, called Michael of Nebadon in Latin or Mika of Nebadon in Hebrew. Or simply Nebadon father/mother.

In matter there are 36 dimensions, which are different frequency vibrations.

In the lowest, the third dimension, we are. We are nothing, say some. We are insignificant others will say. But we are trinite beings with a DNA that contains all the information from The Source that Is All. Essentially divine.

The Source or Absolute is a deity that does not have a personality. It cannot be personalized, which is hard for our minds to understand. He is omnipresent, that is to say that from the Central Island of Paradise he knows and knows everything that happens in any place of creation. He is universal, eternal and infinite.

When you pray or ask for something he knows it the instant you think about it. He doesn't need you to tell him many times. And he can grant it to you, I suppose, as soon as he agrees with your evolutionary plan. Or when I consider that it is time for you to receive it. It doesn't matter what you do, what you say or how you are. The Absolute has unconditional love for you. And we have to activate that unconditional love in our hearts through the Threefold Flame, an atomic field placed in our hearts that cannot be violated by any strange being or force.

The ancient Yoruba spirituality, Orisha Ifá, originally from Africa and settled especially in the area of Nigeria and its surroundings, has an oral tradition that is surprising because it comes from ancient times, and according to Paco Oluwo, before the Western sacred books.

For them, Olodumore is the recognized creator God, assimilable to our Nebadon, and the interesting thing is that in this tradition the existence of an impersonal being called Akamara who created the world with an explosion was always available to its believers. A big bang would say science today. Akamara is an essence that is all that exists and corresponds to our concept of The Absolute, which then also emanates Paradise Sons called Irumoles, of various ranks. Some and others are Super Irumoles, for example the 801 Irumoles, of lower rank, who according to Yoruba tradition were sent to complete the creation of our universe and our Ayé land. They also recognize the multiverses in their cosmogony, something that we in the West are considering recently.

Yoruba spirituality was brought to America with slaves in colonial times, and in a syncretic conjunction with the teachings of Catholicism, they gave rise to Santeria, in Cuba and the Hispanic Caribbean, and to Candomblé in Brazil.

In Yoruba spirituality the Orishas are the intermediaries between the human and the creator Olodumare. There is an Ori within us that becomes our personal god. Paco Oluwo Baba Ifasakin, a babalawo, a kind of Yoruba priest with divinatory powers, exemplifies the creation of the human being by asking us to imagine a room with a powerful light in the center. The emanating light, composed of photons, reaches each of the walls. There, each photon that arrives is an Orí, a divine spark.. He now says that if we add a prism between the emitting source and the wall, the light will be divided into 7 colored rays that will also reach the wall.

The photons within each color would represent human souls that, according to the color they arrive with, have an Orisha as their protector or guardian angel, who vibrates frequently in that color.

One of the best known Orishas is Shangó, who watches over justice and is the Orisha of thunder, lightning and fire.

Is it a coincidence that among all the Archangels of the western spiritual vision we recognize that there are 7 in particular that are said to handle, among other things, the 7 colored rays with various beneficial properties through their vibratory frequencies?

Perhaps it is necessary to clarify that the origin of Orishas and Archangels is not the same. So it is that in American syncretism the Orishas are considered equivalent to saints, that is, spiritual beings who possibly lived on earth.

It can be concluded that in different cultures the true teachings have always been present, although for various reasons they have been forgotten, silenced or distorted. Many times intentionally, to dominate human beliefs for dark purposes.

That they are well

If you entered here directly it is better to start with 001 EVERYTHING IS ENERGY
If you want to go to the next: 014  THE MATRIX...

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