An ascension in the universe implies a leap of consciousness. A frequency elevation in the return to The One, from where we descended in a previous moment. It is going up an evolutionary step. For us it is putting the human race on a higher level. Leaving Homo Sapiens Sapiens behind and moving on to the Light Human, or Christ Human.
Gaia ascends, our mother earth and those of us who are on it. All life about her.
As far as we are concerned, we must ascend in body, mind and soul.
The mind will cease to be the rational, dual, analytical mind, to become a unified consciousness, that is to say, unify duality, transcend it and in this way we can also connect with all life on the planet: crystals, plants, trees, animals and other beings, such as elementals, fairies, gnomes, goblins, etc.
The soul will reconnect with the I Am, the Higher Self and there with all the 36 dimensions of matter, the stellar beings, the Creator, The Source.
And this without dying, with a body that, in order to unleash the capabilities designed in the DNA, should be able to receive the information that will come down from the sun with flashes and gamma frequencies, very strong energies that are being sent and that between 2023 and 2026 will will increase.As we write this, in June 2023, the amplitude of the Schuman resonance is over 120. Remember how it was when we did post number 2: around 60. Hertz is still around 7.3 but the power of that amplitude on the energy field has reached levels never seen before. Even at levels higher than 180.
Dimensional ascent also implies changes in social systems, such as the economy, politics, education and health. New forms of organization of these systems will emerge, and religions will disappear.
This in a process that according to estimates can cover about 50 years, but without certain dates since everything is related to the increases in frequencies that are taking place on the planet. There are steps to take, and not dates to meet. They are cycles.
The kadistu code will transform our body, our way of acting and understanding reality as the solar photons lower the new DNA activation programs.
These transformations in the bodies are already taking place, causing pain of varying intensity in different parts of the body, and depending on the state of each body, they feel more or less strong, perhaps going unnoticed by those who eat a healthy and alkaline diet.
The passage to the 5th dimension implies a brief passage through the 4th dimension to complete the cleaning of implants, physical and etheric, lineage karmas and anything else that remains from the 3rd, which is essential to do alone or with the help of therapists. diverse holistic, which today are easily located. Because DNA must pass empty of the above.
There can be no trace of the control matrix or all that it represented. Preparing for this implies changes in diet, in the way of facing difficulties, without emotional extremes, disengaging from religion, politics, wars and social struggles, trying to remain neutral, inclusive, inclusive of the polarities that, Although they were there to learn, they should no longer influence our state of mind or our actions.
It is assumed that by now you understood that the play was to represent the role you chose to play and what it was like to live and experience it. Remember that the only thing our free will was good for was to see how to live what we had to live. Since we had fixed and signed this in the "incarnational contract".Before coming to this, the last incarnation on earth in 3rd dimension, each one signed what is called the "incarnational contract", in which, in addition to the tasks to be fulfilled, the duration of life and the desire to spend or not to the 5th dimension.
The average life was set at around 90 years and that has been extended for this incarnation to more or less 120, as long as we accommodate the body to that reality. I already said it, I'm going for 130. I'm Basque.
There are many souls who have signed not to go to the next dimension, for various reasons, but the possibility of changing that decision in these times is enabled as long as they adjust to reality by taking the steps that are necessary to improve the state of the body and can fulfill other activations such as the ignition of the Kundalini, the Trina Flame, the pineal gland, the Antakarana bridge, etc. Much of this will happen automatically and others will require dedication at the right time. There's time. do not despair The information will gradually reach each one who manifests and works internally in the direction of the 5th dimension.
There are many starships around the planet, but 6 especially enormous ones, from which each human being is monitored and can record the internal changes that are taking place, so that some thought adjuster or other beings will appear to help and guide so that whoever embark on the new path be assisted.In the same way, those who have signed to go to the 5th dimension and due to various situations of this difficult life on earth, or as a consequence of habits acquired during the validity of the control matrix, do not end up awakening to the new reality, physical aid is planned. or etheric that allow them to pass.
Although there are no defined calendar dates, more or less what we have heard says that we are going through Armageddon between 2012 and 2026. There it is expected that the first wave of those who will awaken first or who have already awakened will be activated and among those who are the "star seeds". Then there would be another wave until 2031 and a third until 2038. Those of us who have awakened first must be attentive to help those who are opening up to the new frequencies, but without imposing ideas on them until they are receptive.
The estimated date for full installation in the 5th dimension would be around 2073 or 2075.
There could then happen what is called "the 3 days of darkness" that would allow the planet to be definitively divided into two spheres, as in a mitosis; one in 3rd and one in 5th dimension.In those 3 days, which in reality is taken as 3 cycles on the planets but since on earth each day is a cycle would be 3 days, there the earth will stop and then begin to turn to the other side, thus erasing all traces of the 3rd dimension on its surface.
Those of us who are on earth at that moment, I have already signed up, we will spend those 3 days in a kind of suspended existence, which they have explained to me, but I still do not understand and then at dawn on the fourth day we will return to become conscious and inhabit Gaia's surface.
The maneuver is carried out through 3 starships, one at the north pole, another at the south pole, which will slowly slow down the planet and a third at the height of the equator to maintain balance when it stops rotating. Then those same ships will turn it in the opposite direction. They tell me that this maneuver has already been done on other planets in ascension changes.
The planet will be placed vertically aligned so that the direct frequencies that come down from the central sun of the galaxy can enter through its energetic toroid.The dodecahedral mesh that surrounds the planet has adjusted the seven frequencies of the crystals, because remember that we will be Christic and we will vibrate like them; From there, various programs for life in the 5th dimension will descend into our DNA. Although the social organization, the new paradigm and the social systems will have to be created by us.
That is why we will be like gods, creating our reality and our future.
In any case, it is assumed that there will be help from many beings, such as the Venusians who have been waiting for that moment in the Kingdom of Agartha, which has been inside the earth for millions of years and now we will be able to interact with them who are at least from 5th dimension up.
In order for this dimensional leap to take place, it is necessary for the planet to raise its vibration frequency. This will happen in various ways. The animal kingdom, for example, is a frequency holder, especially marines, cetaceans, dolphins and whales. Each person who awakens to the new reality also raises the frequencies and the galactic organizations are evicting from the planet the dark beings and oppressive races that vibrate downwards,
All the souls that came to participate in this ascension voluntarily responded to a call. We were shown and explained why we were coming and they tell me that we were warned about the difficulty of the task, but we also came to live this wonderful experience impossible to achieve on other planets and other dimensions, trusting that we would have the strength and conviction to transit it as agreed.
It seems strange to us because most of us still have the veil that erased our memories and connection with the rest of the universe for this dimension. But there is little left to reconnect.
In dimension 1 the task was to understand physicality. Being packaged in a body, which at that time were mineral rocks and crystals.
In dimension 2, the experience of incorporating the energy field was added, what we call life, making the caveat that minerals and crystals are equally alive, because they vibrate frequently.
Dimension 3 had to integrate both experiences and then the recalibration would come to go to the 5th and reconnect with the rest of the universe.
The code 13 20 33 will be activated, which is a code of unconditional love, Christic. It is to be the Christ that Jesus spoke of.
It is understanding, as Xavier Pedro says, that we are seed with the potential to be a tree; and that will happen when we decide to stop being what we think we are, to be a seed, to encourage ourselves to the next step, to be a tree. We must die as a seed to be reborn as trees and from there grow and bear fruit.In the code, 13 is a universal number used to enter a new reality. It is the Christic template of the 12 + 1. The 12 DNA fibers that will be activated in the 5th plus 1 that surrounds and connects with The Source. The zodiac with its 12 signs or constellations and 13 is the central Sun. It is the way in which Jesus manifested himself with the 12 apostles plus Him.
In the code, the 20th in the universe is the awakening. It is 10 + 10 and we must know that we have energy terminals at the ends of each finger. In the feet, to connect with the earth and in the hands to capture or give energy, through the imposition of hands, or through mudras.
And when this is taking place, we will connect with our bodies distributed in the other 33 dimensions, which remained as we went down to this third dimension.
Finally, although there is still so much to tell, let's say that in the 5th the energies of the divine masculine and feminine will merge, giving way to the Ka energy.
With the kadistu code activated, we begin to use that necessary energy to use the MerKaBa bodies, or bodies of light, with which we can travel through the universe and dimensions without leaving the earth. You save a lot of fuel that way (this last one is a 3D joke).Don't fall asleep, but don't despair because for many more years gamma and higher frequencies will continue to enter the earth, which causes gradual changes on the planet and in us, often of which we are not aware, until one day: ooh! We feel different, we do not doubt that there are extraterrestrial brothers throughout the universe, we feel confident and happy, we find solutions to things almost at the same time we consider them, we look better at those around us, we accept differences, Animals arouse love and care in us, setbacks don't bother us, something seems to grow inside the chest, we feel like eating differently, etc. We leave the dual mind and we become aware.
The forces of light are illuminating you from within.
Be well
If you entered here directly it is better to start with 001 EVERYTHING IS ENERGY
If you want to go to the next: 020 - FOOD AND REASONS TO GET TO 130 YEARS OLD
If you want to go to 015 - WHAT GOD DO WE BELIEVE IN?
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