Staying or leaving this reduced reality is the responsibility of each one, because there is free will to perform, although we must also recognize that we have been subjected to the power of a control matrix that has instilled in us false ideas and values, making it very difficult to discern which enable and which not within us.
The truth is that there is also a soul, a fractal of an I AM (YO SOY) connected with divinity. Immutable. Unlimited.
Not knowing this is why so many people remain in a state that we can call unconsciousness. A lack of knowledge of what they really are and the power they carry within. And there is no mistake or fault in this. Simply each one is in a different step in the conscious evolution.Those who controlled that matrix that in turn controlled us use various means to keep us in that unconsciousness. Through "The 4 Horsemen", Religion, Politics, Economics and Science (Religión, Política, Economía y Ciencia) instilled in us ideas, thoughts, to which we became accustomed and believing true to the point that today the matrix has already been dismantled and yet the the vast majority of humanity continues to respond to their patterns.
Basically we could say that Religion has made us believe that God, or whatever you call him, is outside the world, in heaven and that there are intermediaries to communicate with Him. Politics convinced us that we cannot organize ourselves without an elite that, under the banner of seeking the good of the people, only seeks the good of itself. The Economy has convinced us that we live in a world of scarcity and efforts must be made to accumulate money and goods to achieve well-being, while the elite get rich by taking us all away. And Science, in opposition to Religion, elaborating fractional theories about the human being in health, instead of holistic ones, for example, or trying to explain physics with macro laws, until one day it discovered with quantum theory that there is a micro reality and that everything vibrates, which was already written thousands of years ago by Hermes Trismegisto. Quantum physics now tells us that matter is sometimes waves and other particles and that it also depends on the observer, which they still cannot fully explain and what that implies. And it is very disruptive to understand that reality depends on the observer. In other words, the observer creates reality. In other words, the observer is like a god on earth.Those who are entering an awakening of consciousness, or are moved to delve into this knowledge, as if to remember this knowledge that has always been within us, have heard or read about the I AM.
When God appears to Abraham and he asks how he should refer to Him, he answers I AM who I AM.
Jesus uses these words many times: I AM the resurrection and the life. I AM the way and the truth.
We are going to explain what it means to descend from the creative Source, until constituting the monad I AM, a step prior to the appearance of our soul.
We can fix the following example in our minds: imagine a flashlight from which a powerful beam of light comes out that ends up being projected towards a surface. We can imagine that the emitting source of that light is the Creator and the path to the wall is the different dimensions that follow one another uninterruptedly until they reach the wall, representing here the 3rd dimension. Nothing interferes with the projection of that light, because otherwise it would not reach the wall. Those photons of light on the surface are us. In direct contact with The Source. We do not remember it, because they put a veil on us so as not to access that information and we will explain it later, but it is important to retain the concept that contact with The Source has never been interrupted.So, we say that all the Christ races of this universe are fractals of the Creator. Our Christic or Michaelic souls, which is the same, contain the same information in their DNA, the same software of the father/mother Creator Nebadon. Or Miguel de Nebadón, or Mika de Nebadón. Since He is a triune being, containing the Holy Trinity of the Source that All Is, everything he creates in the universe that he administers is also triune.
We also know that everything he creates in matter must be packaged. In order for these containers to contain your information, Nebadon, who lives in antimatter, cloned with a computer system, in matter, all the complete content of your DNA plus the complete content of the Light of your Spirit and placed it in a container called the Supramonad.
Let us remember that Nebadón or Explandón as it is also said, means "total expansion of the Light of the Spirit".
And let us reaffirm what has already been said about our DNA being a data bank.
Computing at those high levels of the universe can be taken as a biology. This Supramonad has the same voltage as the Creator, which is impossible to fit or insert into any third-dimensional being. Our body would catch fire. That is why the cosmic geneticists who develop the DNA in the universe were fractalizing that Supermonad, lowering its voltage and thus reducing its dimension. Through the 33 dimensions between the largest, 36 and ours.
Each fractal contains the totality of the information and Light of the Spirit, as it happens in the holograms. What goes down is the voltage and it goes down until it reaches the 5th dimension.
Then, the Supramonad gradually fractalizes into monads and these into other monads, each time smaller in voltage. Always in number of 12 as a minimum and 144 as a maximum, since 12 is a template number in creation.
Not all races have the information content of Nebadon, but only warm-blooded ones (mammals, including cetaceans and humanoids).
There comes a time when the resulting monad is finally ready to incarnate; more or less in fifth, sixth and seventh dimensions. The voltage between 4 and 7 Hertz, being able to reach 11 Hz, is no longer dangerous for the biology of a body.
The bodies in this dimension can also contain several fractals, bits of other stellar beings that allow in this dimension to develop tasks that are in accordance with those frequencies. For example, if someone has a fractal of Archangel Raphael, he will be able to carry out healing tasks on earth, since Raphael with the green ray are healing frequencies.They tell me that those who have come in service in these times, the star seeds, can contain up to 30 or 40 fractals of cosmic beings in their DNA. And that all of us who have come to participate in the planetary ascension have some fractals in addition to those of the Creator. Of Angelic, Archangelic ranks or of the Orders that work in the cosmos and help this ascension.
Metaphysical definition of I AM: it is the power to recognize the perfection of each one and everywhere. When we think of the expression I AM it means that you already know that you have God in action expressing your life. Connected with the I AM we have no limitation.
By connecting with the I AM, the time lines are also erased and one begins to live in an eternal present.
We could differentiate the I AM between what is called the higher Self and what in this dimension we use as an Ego and that we call the lower Self, which is 4% of the total power of the I AM. In us is 100% of the information, but there is a veil that prevents us from applying more than 4% because that was the evolutionary plan in dense matter.
So, the I AM monad is the last fractalization of monads that come down from the Supramonad.
That superior Self, that 96% of the installed capacity, also has a body that is called Double Quantum.
From that I AM monad that is between the fifth and seventh dimensions, a final fractalization then occurs, again between 12 and 144 fractals and these are our souls, the ones that incarnate anywhere in the universe according to what is agreed upon by those who deal with it, who They are the so-called Ancients of the day, a kind of Galactic Council that works from the Central Sun.
If that soul incarnates on earth, it is inserted into the fetus at 49 days of life and there they put a veil, a brane, a frequency barrier that separates 4% from the rest of the 96% of our potential.
That veil prevents us from remembering the totality of what we are, because that is the experience that we accept coming to live on the planet. That was the Divine Plan. The new experience in the densest matter. That of evolving and reconnecting with that information, with the I AM and the divinity from the disconnection. We feel disconnected, but like the light of the lantern we have always been connected. That 96% is then what we call our higher Self.
We could not have lived the experience of the hominid on earth if we remembered the totality of the information that we contain. Imagine your state of mind knowing that you are a galactic being while you are inside a hominid container and climbing trees. Surely there would have been a wave of suicides to return to what you were before you came. On December 21, 2012, the plan for the 3rd dimension earth ended and in about 30 more years there will be almost nothing left of it and we will be in the 5th dimension.
As we begin the path of ascension or verticalization towards the ONE, we will integrate all those fractals into which the I AM monad was divided, because our DNA will have a higher frequency and voltage capacity.
The first step we will take will be to connect with our I AM monad through our double quantum body.
We will then go on erasing that barrier and we will begin to access that 96% that we had veiled. The totality of the information. We will stop living in karma and there will only be the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. But we will be living in dharma.
As we connect that 96%, many new senses will appear in us: extrasensory perception, telepathy, clairaudience, clairvoyance, etc. Capacities that are in effect in all other dimensions of the universe. We will be living in multidimensionality.
Saint Germain wrote the Golden Book of the I AM that is very useful when it comes to facing the reconnection with the I AM or understanding it better and it can be found on the internet at no cost and even on audiobook.
All the souls that fractalized from the I AM monad have the same Quantum Double, which is the one that has all the information that was downloaded and all those souls connect there. But it may be that they have been distributed in different parts of the universe, even as cetaceans and exceptionally in some being of the animal kingdom when necessary for some special reason, such as a dog that is about to agree to incarnate as a human and needs that last step to achieve it.
In order to connect with the I AM it is necessary to increase the electromagnetic field of the body and this is achieved by alkalizing our body with at least a pH of 8. It is also connected sometimes in various moments of spiritual elevation, of connection with nature, of deep meditation etc In the channels, the channeler at that moment is connected with his I AM. It does not mean that it always is, but in those moments. Same for akashic record readers.In addition, you have to clean what needs to be cleaned because those karmas, or physical or etheric parasites, or life situations that lower vibrations will prevent the connection. Techniques such as regressive hypnosis, reading records, biodecoding and many more are available through holistic therapists.
The passage through the 4th dimension will be a short but necessary transit to clear there any remains of karma, of lineages, without which the 5th dimension cannot be accessed. There we will already live in a personality without Ego.
Matías De Stefano recommends imagining the Higher Self as a sphere and the Lower Self as a point on the surface of that sphere, and it is there to serve as a reference to the Higher Self, to focus there when you want to start something. The Higher Self is so vast that he has all the points of view in that sphere and cannot initiate a certain action if he does not focus on a point of reference, which would be the Lower Self. What is the Ego? The Ego is the one that takes action and helps the Higher Self to know where to go.Now, the lower self has no idea where to go, because it doesn't know the map. The one who does know it is the Higher Self, because he knows everything. So, says Matías, the Higher Self and the Ego “are inevitable”. There is not one good and the other bad. It is not necessary to discard one and connect with the other: both make up the I AM.
The I, Ego in Latin, is the subject, where everything begins and the I AM, Sum in Latin, is the Verb, the sphere, the consciousness.
The I is nothing without the I AM and the I AM cannot act without the subject, therefore, one and the other are inevitable.
When talking about connecting with the Higher Self, it's actually about connecting with our inner wisdom, where all the potential of the universe is.
What it is about then is connecting the higher Self and the lower Self and living in harmony, which is what is called I AM.
One knows the way and the other walks it.
That they are well
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