It must be one of the most repeated since apparently it gives us the peace of mind that we are divine. And that's enough for us. Ready. Excellent!
And from then on, some famous painter came up with the idea of drawing God with a human appearance, an old man's beard, an older adult's physique (how old? and... we would say 5 or 6 million years... I don't know... how old can God be? How stupid, right?) gray hair (which would mean that his body, like ours, deteriorates over time... before he wouldn't have gray hair, so one day... will he die?) In short, a string of similar human characteristics. A god similar to us.
On the other hand we have atheists, who do not believe in God. In what god? And... in that one that the famous artist drew or painted... that God with gray hair, beard, etc. I agree with the atheists: you cannot believe in that god.
And then there are the agnostics. They don't believe that you can believe in God if you can't prove that he exists. And since they can't, they don't believe. Something like "seeing is believing" because if one day they suddenly saw God, they might decide to believe there without further proof. They speak of an unknowable god.
The point is that everything is exactly the other way around. God is pure energy and we, created in his image and likeness of him, are pure energy. It is true that we are energy of very low vibration and as the energy lowers its frequency, its vibration, it transforms into matter, it densifies until it is stone or mountain or crystal in the lowest density.
There is varionic energy, like the one we live on third-dimensional earth, and there are higher energies, like tachyonic or morontia. And there is energy in both matter and antimatter and even in non-matter, or in nothing as we might say. Which is nothing, but also something and headquarters of The Source that Is Everything. And that energy vibrates constantly. That's why in The Kybalion you read: EVERYTHING VIBRATES, even the void.
So we can say that we are like gods, because that is being in the image and likeness of God, who created us equal to Him. We have the same abilities to evolve, to ascend, to learn and to ascend, to ascend the spiral that will end up being One with him. One. That is because we are in his image and likeness. Not Him in our image and likeness as in the cartoons.And this has brought a misrepresentation of reality. Because religions have made us believe that God can punish us for all eternity as we would never punish any of our children like this. They have made us believe that God asks us for sacrifices and praise as we would never ask our children or family. They have made us believe that to talk to God or ask forgiveness for our faults we need intermediaries, religious of all orders, as if our children need our wife or a grandparent to talk to us or apologize for something because we are inaccessible to our own son.
Religions had as their raison d'être to connect us with God and not to become what they have become. Re-linking is precisely reconnecting our disconnected spirit for the earthly experience with the Creator.
Jesus never wanted to found a church so he was very careful not to leave something written and what was written ended up being manipulated on purpose sometimes and other times not well interpreted in its true sense.There is much more than what tradition has told us. That is why Jesus must have come to clarify the things that were in the old testament and that is why so many more must have come later to clarify the things that were distorted from what Jesus meant. It is very interesting to read the Urantia Book in this regard, which specifies the why and the foundations of the life of Jesus and the plan of Michael of Nebadon as creator.
To have believed that God was like us did too much wrong. Countless people think that God must respond to our requests and if he doesn't, he doesn't exist, or he doesn't love us, or he punishes us. That God is all-powerful and all-knowing (all-knowing) is brushed aside in the face of any disagreement. It does not occur to many to think that we may be receiving what we ask for from another angle, or through other actions or inspirations that are more in accordance with the plan that we came to experience. And then, if he doesn't give us what we ask for... something bad happens, because they have made us believe that he is in our likeness, such as our father who we ask for and he gives us. God always knows what we need and what is good for us.
We do not understand that we live experiences in the matter that are only like plays, in which we play a role, to learn and in the next life another role and so on until one day we retire as actors with everything we have learned and we do not need act more. No more reincarnating in matter. We cannot understand that sometimes the paper they gave us implies sadness, deaths, thefts, accidents, illnesses. We do not understand that it is always a role and it is not reality. It is the role that this body represents in the theater of life, but the true actor, the soul, does not suffer from these problems. He only lives them in the theater, which we mistakenly call "reality".It is also important to know that the play that we have come to represent has been written by us, perhaps with help, to experience things that we had not done before. As if an actor very identified with comic characters, he decided one day to make a drama. A new requirement for his acting quality.
The true being that acts, the soul, the divine spirit that I Am in reality, only experiences what the play asks it to act. That's why the facts are neither wrong nor right. It is what must be represented. The important thing, yes, is how we will do our interpretation. If better or worse. But without punishment. They won't kick you out of the theater. They will only tell you to do it again if it was failed. Until it works out for you.Here we could explain to those who wonder why evil exists what Jesus explained to Ganid one day, with whom he and his father traveled the Mediterranean at the age of 29. This young Philistine was quite disconcerted by the feeling of injustice that the presence of evil coexisting with good in the world produced in him. He said: "If God is infinitely good, how can he allow us to suffer the pain of evil? After all, who creates evil?"
To which Jesus responded: "My brother, God is love, therefore he must be good, and his goodness is so great and real that it cannot contain the small and unreal things of evil. God is so positively good that there is absolutely no room in it for negative evil. Evil is the immature choice and thoughtless misstep of those who resist goodness, reject beauty, and betray truth. Evil is only the maladjustment of immaturity or disintegrative influence and deformer of ignorance. Evil is the inevitable darkness that follows close behind the reckless rejection of light. Evil is the dark and false; when consciously embraced and willingly approved, it becomes sin. (The Book of Urantia 1429:1 130:1.5)There is new knowledge that comes to us in these times when our planet, Gaia, will evolve frequently (everything is energy) passing into what we call the 5th dimension. This brings with it messages from beings of light and incarnated beings with the mission of explaining the changes that will take place and thus we can clearly know that the creator for our universe is Michael or Miká of Nebadon, Paradise Son of the Absolute, or The Source that Is All.
And that the creator, who lives in antimatter, but is a conscious being, also has an etheric DNA, of course, and has cloned all his DNA in matter and with it has created us. That cloned DNA has been imbued with the Light of his Spirit, his unconditional love. We are thus in the entire image and likeness of him. We are creator gods in matter like Nebadon in antimatter. Let's enjoy this, because not all beings of creation enjoy this privilege.
Of course, to exercise those attributes we must ascend spiritually, consciously and physically. Body, mind and spirit. That is the trinity that makes us like Him.
Because always remember: everything is energy; this is an imperfect universe of evolution towards perfection; we are created with the attributes of God; we come from Him and to Him we ascend.
The Law of One.
That they are well
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