And what is going to happen is that Gaia will ascend one eighth dimensionally and with that ascension the same will happen in the entire universe of Nebadon, especially in the segment between the 5th and 8th dimensions where a certain evolutionary stagnation was being recorded. That is why all eyes are on here and on what we will do to contribute to that evolution; That is why there are dozens of ships and stellar beings around the planet that unfortunately we cannot see and cannot be seen because they vibrate in another dimension that we still do not have access to.
We are at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, at the end of the times of the Mayan calendar, a time in which the Gospels mentioned Armageddon and the Apocalypse. A transition, a revelation and the beginning of the new. Coinciding with the beginning of a new galactic day.
A conjunction of divine plan with stellar, cosmic, vibrational movements etc.
We are facing one of the most exciting moments of creation and I want to experience it as much as possible. That is why I hope to reach 130 years, to see how at least the first step of the 5th dimension is installed.
But this does not happen suddenly, rather it coincides with the movements of the galaxies, the suns, the planets and the cosmos and of course it is known by the stellar beings well in advance of its happening. The light beings know it and the dark ones know it too. What is not known for sure is when it will happen on earth's timeline; we know what is happening; There are no exact times, because since everything is energy, events will take place as steps when the energies on the planet take place at the appropriate frequencies.
In any case, it is calculated that in these times the children who are being born to live in the 5th dimension are no longer the same as those who were born in the 20th century. These children already come with a modified DNA ready to vibrate higher, Christic and suitable for a metabolism that works on silicon instead of carbon as in the last century by setting an arbitrary cut-off date.As everything is known in advance, that is why souls that promoted vegetarianism and now veganism were born. Those souls came to anticipate and teach a new way of eating without killing animals and that will be installed in a few years among those who will ascend to the new dimension.
And today's children, 70 or 80% since the beginning of the century and one hundred percent since 2012 come prepared for that. They are what we call CRYSTAL CHILDREN. Because? Because their metabolism will work on silicon, which is a crystal, and their bodies could only feed on plants and solar prana.
These children come with very different purposes than what parents may want them to do and it is essential to understand this. The parents are portals for those souls to enter the earth to fulfill their purposes, which evidently cannot coincide with those that were in the control matrix until 2012 and that still persist in the minds of millions and millions of people.
In the universe there is an Incarnational Plan and the so-called 24 Day Elders are in charge of distributing the souls throughout the universe according to the needs and moments, although also in agreement with those souls that are going to incarnate. That is why we say that if you have come here and now it is because you have agreed with the 24 Ancients of the Day. So do not complain. Just know and accept it. And stay tuned to accomplish the mission.Basically we can divide the souls that incarnate into three large groups: Active Souls, Passive Souls and Donated Souls, according to Andrea Barnabé. There are also the souls that come to serve, some called star seeds and others that make up the group of 144 thousand.
Active souls come with a purpose of evolution. In general it is said that they come to balance what they have done in other lives. To be able to later integrate those learnings.
As you know, in this dual world, it is necessary to live the aspects of one extreme and the other in order to unify them, or integrate them as a "sine qua non" condition to ascend to the next dimension.
So it is that in some lives we have done things that we can consider as "bad" or undesirable, and then in others we have compensated those energies and learned from the two polarities.
So it is possible that if someone has had to do with deaths or cause pain in others, in the following lives they must compensate with actions in the opposite direction. If in some lives, for example, you dedicated yourself to being an animal hunter, in the next it may be that you are a veterinarian, or an animal rescuer, or something like that.
If in one life you commanded armies and sent people to war, in the other you can be a doctor or a healer.
These souls are called active, because they have a compensation mission to develop.
Then you have the passive souls, who, to compensate for what they have caused in other lives, now agreed to suffer in their own flesh and in this way, in fewer lives, they compensate for the imbalance. It may be that then they are victims of murder, torture, rape, etc., and they suffer these situations because that suffering in a few lives balances what they have caused.
And we also have donated souls, which are those who, having already completed their evolution and no longer needing to incarnate in matter, nevertheless donate themselves for tasks in favor of humanity as gratitude or dedication for the love received. They have already integrated the polarity into themselves, but they choose to give back to the planet what they have received.This is the case of those born with Down Syndrome and autism, (TEA: Autism Spectrum Disorders) which includes the so-called Asperger's.
Its current mission responding to the plan is fundamental and perhaps that is also the explanation of why the birth of ASD children in a few years has gone from a concentration of 1 in 2,500 in 1990 to 1 in 250 in the following decade, it being estimated that now 1 every 88.
And what is its important mission?
They come to work with the Elohim, co-creators with Nebadon, the creator of the Universe, to serve as an anchor to earth for the electromagnetic frequencies of the reinstated dodecahedral mesh instead of the control matrix mesh that was intervened by the dark forces.It is difficult to understand if you are not aware of how things are going, but as always: either you believe it and accept it or it will be for another time. Whoever can hear, let him hear, Jesus said.
The truth is that all planets must have an electromagnetic mesh in space and in the center of the earth so that life and the programs to be developed can take place. We know that our DNA is the one that connects with those meshes. And someone has to be part of the connection of the cosmic mesh with the earth.
Everyone who comes to work on mission or in evolution on our planet has to be born of a mother. And these children come with their brains disconnected from the social matrix because they can't be distracted from their homework and they don't need to learn anything here or evolve. They already learned it in its higher dimensions. They are beings superior to what we are here.They don't need a brain to connect; They do it through their threefold flame, their loving heart and thus they frequently connect with Gaia. the White Dragons or the Elohim that for the 5th dimension are the cetaceans of the sea.
Well, great news for the unaware. Cetaceans are beings of a higher dimension than us and are in charge of keeping the vibration of the planet high. This is not the time to explain how. Take it or leave it.There are many more working for this: the White Dragons, the Amelius Cosmic Orders, Kumara Saints, Sirian Felinoides, etc, but it would also be too extensive to explain and deepen.
Let's stay with the fact that these donated souls do not need more from us than care, love and gratitude for having come to collaborate.
Autistic children are in contact with cetaceans and white dragons and the Down are actually beluga souls and are in contact with them, and if you keep in mind how they are, you will see that they maintain a certain appearance that characterizes them.A person with Asperger's does not have to do anything special. They are emanators of frequencies; pulsars that come through you in contact with the Elohim.
We must also say that some autistic children have this condition not because of their mission but because the impositions of the control matrix led them to it with vaccination schedules and eating habits, promoted precisely because it was within the plan of the dark elites to prevent in all possible ways to increase the number of humans who can sustain higher vibrations, in order to hinder or delay the ascensional increase of the planet.
The battle between light and dark exists. It develops. And each of us is consciously or unconsciously on one side or the other. That is part of the plan to live duality, experiment, integrate and evolve. What was not foreseen was the intervention of the dark in the matrix, but now that is over. Only the consequences remain.And there is no doubt that the light will triumph.
Crystal children are born with one more DNA fiber activated than we had and it stores the information to make an internal reset with the Thymus gland at the age of 4 and 10 years, foreseen by geneticists so that they can clean themselves of the crap that surely we would put them inside in food and thoughts. But it's not like that's going to work if the contamination of the parents has been exaggerated.
Since their metabolism is not carbon, sugars and refined products affect them especially. There are many increasing cases of celiac disease.Autistic people come with clairaudience, which means that they perceive sounds with a degree five times greater than us, which is noticeable when there is a lot of noise, sirens, fireworks, etc.
Parents should be aware that these children do not come to be fed in the same way as we have been doing regularly. And many of them are vegan or vegetarian. The important thing as in other aspects of life would be to respect them in their tastes and decisions.
The truth is that many of them come to wait for the new society to settle in, for them to develop the gifts and talents that they bring to that new society. Many parents are alarmed that they do not want to study, that they apparently do not assume responsibilities, that they like to travel and have fun. It is that they are not going to engage with the already expired precepts of the society that is leaving, governed by the control matrix.
So let them do it. Understand (or remember...) that the birth of these children within their families was agreed with you before the reincarnation of each one. And everything is according to plan. The divine plan.
That they are well
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