Reading time 10'
Spirituality is an upward path.
My friend Pablo told me: no, I don't get along with religion.
- Me neither, I answered.
- Oh no? - he was amazed - because I visited your Garden website and saw that in addition to videos about plants, you are now dedicating yourself to religious themes.
- I don't think there are videos with religious themes
-But... you talk about God and spirituality and stuff...
- True, but it's not religion. It is information. If I tell you about the history of Catholicism or the church, that is not religion, it is history or information. If I talk to you about the creation of the world, of the universe, of God, from the Angels that is not religion. It is information. Religion, unfortunately, has been a premeditated attempt to distort the real story of creation, to create false ways of connecting with God, to propagate dogmas as truths. To create in people a dependence on the "chosen" intermediaries between man and God.
It is difficult to talk about this without hurting the deep feelings of many people, I apologize if someone is offended, but I understand that it is worse to silence things that were previously known, only in hidden circles and now they must come to light.
Just as in the Bible there are the stories of the prophets sent to tell certain truths, now the new prophets are already on the internet, sent to tell the truth. But after thousands of years of darkness it is difficult to see the light.
Plato warned this 2,500 years ago in his allegory of The Cave.
How could we believe for so many years that an all-powerful, all-knowing God, who loves you unconditionally, can send you to hell for the rest of eternity?
There is no religion in the universe. What there is is unconditional love, an energy at different vibration levels and that is studied or explained through quantum or galactic physics.
That's why I started this blog talking about frequencies, vibrations, dimensions that vibrate more or less high.
Spirituality (spiral) is an ascending path because it means that your soul is ascending in vibration. How far does it go up? Until back to the origin. Return to the Creator. From there we descend and there we return. That is the spiritual upward path.
Each one at their own pace. At your time. Nothing is right or wrong. Everything is experience.
Juan returned home happy because he had bought some tools in a new and huge store of all those things used by those who are dedicated to bricolage or who professionally make a living fixing things, such as blacksmiths, electricians, plumbers, etc.
On the way he meets Gonzalo and tells him what he has bought.
Gonzalo tells him that he had also been to the new store and was amazed by the variety of tools. - And did you see the ones on the upper floors? They are incredible.
- Is there more stuff on the upper floors?
- Yes. Didn't you come up?
- No. I saw some wide stairs, but I thought that the offices were upstairs and the stairs were for those who work there to go up.
- Well no. There are several more floors with tools. Open to all. Many tools are so sophisticated that I didn't know what they were for. But if they are available and someone makes them, they must be used for many things that I can't even imagine.
I think I heard this simple story, or a similar one, from Kryon, from the Magnetic Service, and he told it associated with spirituality.
Kryon said that you believe in God or not, whether you are spiritual or not, innumerable tools are at your disposal for everything you need in life. On the ground floor.
But if you ascend to higher floors, new and more sophisticated tools will be to your benefit. Many that you can't even imagine, but they are useful and serve for things that you still haven't realized are possible.
The spiritual path is then to access the upper floors. At your time. Sometime.
I'm not saying we didn't know. I'm saying more that we were distracted, or getting carried away by stories that sounded more interesting, or more convincing, or who knows what.
That is why at some point in Western history Jesus had to come to change what was happening in man's relationship with the Father. And I say Western because they tell me that the East remained more
aligned with the truth. Buddha had already passed before.
And so it was with Jesus. We understood something, but we distorted. But the story changed. That is why the Essenes left hidden true texts of these teachings in Nag Hammadi, which a few years ago have been found, unfortunately many of them disappeared and others in poor condition.
They named them as "the apocryphal gospels".
In any case, my friends, we are already finishing the Armageddon that began in 2012, of which the gospels give an account and I believe that from 2023 to 2026 the Apocalypse is taking place, not as the end of the world, but as the "revelation".
And I'm revealing it to you.
Or did you believe that what is in the new testament was a digression of Jesus and John? I understand that some things will play out differently, but that's natural. Prophecies are not meant to be faithfully fulfilled, but warnings of what can happen if nothing is done. They can improve or worsen according to the course of events and the evolution of societies.
It must be understood that when speaking of "separating the chaff from the wheat", or when Jesus said that "there will be 2 people in the field, one will remain and the other will not" those were references to the fact that at this moment in which Gaia and part of of humanity will pass to the 5th dimension, there will be others who will remain in the 3rd dimension. Some will be vibrating higher and will pass, others maintaining their current vibration will follow a few more lives in 3rd dimension. Although... not on this earth but on another, because Gaia is already almost in 5th.
You have to understand that if we talk about everything being energy, and if there are higher and lower vibrations, the things that vibrate higher will allow dimensional ascent. Those who oppose that, the forces that we can call "dark" (as opposed to "light") try to fill people with fear and hopelessness, because those are low frequency vibrations. That is why the Apocalypse, which is actually a Revelation, was associated with the end of the world since the end of the 19th century. To frighten.
Now ask yourself why the Western churches missed that we were in the times of Armageddon and the Apocalypse. Or because what I'm telling you isn't true, or... it's better not to talk about certain things.
Now I'm telling you that although I don't know anything about astrology, those who do know tell me that Saturn entered Pisces on March 7, and now Pluto has entered Aquarius. I remind you that everything is energy and the stars emit their energies according to where they are in their path. Therefore these stellar movements mean different energies that reach the earth. And what do these energies produce?
Well, Lourdes Ferro says that "Just as Saturn's entry into Pisces that began on March 7 will move different areas with its influence on order and limits, another of the crucial movements of this new astrological year will be perfected with the first entry of Pluto in the sign of Aquarius. The astrologer and tarot reader explains that, until now, Pluto in Capricorn "has been in charge of exposing the shame of the political and religious system. " With its move to the penultimate sign of the zodiac, she adds, this powerful and small planet will continue to manifest itself in the collective.It indicates that Pluto, a symbol of purification and renewal, will continue to "bring things to the surface", showing what we may not have wanted to see and promoting the destruction of the old; yes, with the intention of building again, of regenerating, which is why he adds that this transit will focus on the mistakes or vices of the great referents or groups: "international relations, NGOs, unions, all the collective systems in which we believe." . And while she warns that we may feel taken out of our comfort zone, there will be “exposure of the big lies to bring the truth face to face, however stark it may seem.”
Don't you think this coincides with an Armageddon and an Apocalypse as a revelation?
And let's go for more: in Numerology, we are in a year 7 (product of the sum of 2+0+2+3=7) which means that it is time to turn inside to review and search for the truths INSIDE, not outside, And 2026 will be a year 1 (2+0+2+6=10=1+0=1) which means A NEW BEGINNING of the cycle. From 1 to 9 and we start again is a higher step of the spiral.
Because as you know and if I don't tell you, in the universe THERE IS NO TIME. What exists and what happens are the cycles. A year 1 is the beginning of a new cycle. What a coincidence that would be! If it were not that coincidences do not exist but are causalities. You will see what resonates with you and you keep it, and what you throw away.
And nothing is right or wrong. In this dual world, in which humanity experienced polarity, some choose one thing and others another. That is what we are doing: gathering experiences.
In other words, it's your choice.
That there are well
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