Reading time 3' 50''
They tell me that when God, The All, The One,

Everything was perfect to absolute perfection. Of course 💪 everything had been done by God, The Source. The Absolute. Perfect.
Then he thought, in his divine mind, that if he lowered one step, as we say in our country, the next one might be more fun. And he created matter, because the first one was created in antimatter. He is non-matter. Or something like that...
You will imagine more or less how it would be. Although I imagine that it is very difficult to imagine with our mind, let's agree. (One day we will talk about creative imagination)
And there He sent a being of the perfect beings created in antimatter, to make a universe of matter. With other beings that will help him, of course. It was not easy.
How to make that from what was there, all light, energy of extremely high vibration and frequency, matter could appear, heavier, denser, coarser, so... so... just like us. 😊
First they created the electron, its complement, the proton, and its synthesis, the neutron. Negative, positive and neutral. Trinity.
And it occurred to them that if they lowered the vibratory frequency they would create lower and lower dimensions and in each dimension the matter would become more and more dense.
And in each dimension there would be life, things and beings vibrating at those frequencies.
And how do you do that? I asked for.
They tell me that by reducing the speed of rotation of the electrons, matter can be made denser.
That in this way it is possible to go from a morontia energy, with a very high vibration, to an energy of tachyons, and then to one of males, which would become the one in which we vibrate in the 3rd dimension.
In other words, in matter the lowest density is 1
and in it what there are are stones, crystals. The densest
In dimension 2 the plants would appear.
In the 3rd. the animal kingdom.
And we will see this in other posts as it is related to reaching 130, because part of that reality is related to the path of ascent and the increase in vibration.
And if we now begin to ascend, there are 36 material dimensions to ascend, each time less dense, each time more subtle, less material, as a result of the increase in the energetic vibration of the electron. We went down from there. And they say that you have to return there.
Remember that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY, and depending on the vibratory frequency, there is more or less dense matter.
How are you? This is how a universe is created. Or at least we get an idea of what the process would be like.
And what would be the point of making an imperfect universe?
I understand that if it's perfect, it's boring but to do something imperfect... and for God's sake, the Source that Is everything... wouldn't that be going to the other extreme?
Because our universe is not imperfect. They tell me that it is a perfect universe of evolution.
It is designed to evolve to perfection. And how does it evolve towards perfection?
Getting everything to increase its vibratory frequency and all dimensions to go in the reverse path to that of creation; that is, returning upwards, towards The Source that Is everything. Return to the One.
Growing in wisdom, in spirituality (a word that derives from upward "spiral") integrating body, mind and spirit, they tell me. And I like. I think it can be.
Get out of the 3rd. dimension. Ascend. I have until 130 to do it.
That ther are well
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